Saturday, October 25, 2008

One day, i met a boy. He had long hair, and he wore it down like an angel.
He was my best friend.
We talked about heaven and love and coffee with just enough sugar and cream.
Ours was a fairy-tale dreamland with perfect moments where we never ran out of things to say.
"Let's be hippies today," he said, and we donned our handkercheifs and sunglasses, let down our hair, and talked of peace and love.
"Let's be bad," I said, and we scowled, decked out in black, and rocked to heavy metal.
"Let's be optimistic," he said, and we walked around in yellow, on top of the world.
"Let's be individuals," he said, and we made up puzzling outfits, comtemplated anarchy, and laughed.
This was our favorite game.
Sometimes we sang, sometimes we ran, sometimes we talked, but mostly we laughed.
We had summers of perfection and idyllic winters.
We had sunshine, and we had red cheeks, and we danced in the rain.
It was beautiful.
"Let's be in love," I said, and I bit my nails and cried, afraid he wouldn't like this game. He danced.
"I love you!" he said, and on went our fairy-tale dreamland. But my stomach was upset, and my eyes cried without me at night, and I knew it was wrong.
"Let's break up," I said, and he cried. And I cried for his broken heart and the way he didn't look at me anymore.
"I don't like this game," he said.
Then our fairy-tale dreamland disappeared, and we looked around to see where the colours had gone, and why our world was gray.
"I think it left with the love," I said, and I cried.
"But it was just a game," he said, laughing quietly, and I remembered that there were no kisses. My heart hurts, and I cried because I didn't realize the truth.
Once, I knew a boy. Now he has forgotten our fairy-tale dreamland, and I watch him as his heart grows cold. He says that he is truly bad.
"Let's hate each other," he said, and I agreed. Then my stomach turned again, and I cried in the dark, and I knew it was wrong.
"Let's make up," I said, and we pretended. Then we tried to remember our fairy-tale dreamland, but he could not find the way, and I lost him.
"Let's say I've fallen in love with someone else," he said, and I smiled sadly because it was no longer a game, and he would never play with me again.
"Let's move on," I said.
I remember a boy. We once had a fairy-tale dreamland. Sometimes I still go there, looking for him, because he was lost.
"Let's be hippies today," I call, but I get no answer.
Once, I knew a boy.

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