Outing with lovelyyyyyyyyyyy people .
Went Sentosa w/ Sithu, Lilian, Azmeen, Lydia, Sebastian, Li Xiang, Yao Wei, Bryan, Ariff, Shang Hui & Jemaine :D
Had funfunfun w/ them ^^
Watched sunset w/ Jemaine and camwhored abit .
Made a wish.
I hope that that wish will come true but i doubt so .
But, no harm wishing, rightttt .
went Vivo w/ Jemaine & Lixiang at 7pm.
Walked one round at th water w/ Lixiang.
Went Jemaine house .
Camwhored .
As you can see in th pics,
Jemaine and my hair are curlyyyyyyyyyyy ~
"Tempo perm" .
Blogger's being a bitch and i can't upload th peektures .
Guess you have to view them in facebook than.
Gave up on not using <`br>
Keep forgetting .
Outing w/ Lovelies again !
Met Lixiang & Jemaine at dhoby mrt .
Than we mrt-edd down to Marina tgt .
Reached Marina Bay Sands Hotel than waited at lobby at Bryan .
Turns out he had to wait for us.
Cos something happened.
Which i am lazy to type out .
Went up to meet Sebastian, Bryan & th Sebastian's unclee .
Suntanned .
Went room,
Packed up and left .
Went hub w/ Sebastian & Bryan .
Lixiang & Jemaine went j8 .
Something hilarious happened to Bryan on th mrt to hub which i shall not say here.
Met Ju Si .
Bryan & Sebastian went off .
Made new friends .
Movie-edd w/ them .
The Last Airbender .
Movie ended .
Met Genevieve & Ahkor .
Vland-edd w/ Genevieve, ahkor, Ju Si & th new friends .
They are -
Kenneth .
Ernest .
Francise .
Ah Yong .
Th rest not very interesting .
Jumpstyle-edd& tecktonik-edd w/ Genevieve .
HOME & all .
Today nothing much uhh .
So bye :)
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