-TX-xSTAR : Relinkedd ! xD Miss yoo !
-EMIKOx3 : Tagged & Linked ! Thanks for tagging too ! ^^
Luv : Hahaas, linked ! :P
Huifern ♥ : Hahaas! Heyys! Yeahh! Must meet up more ! Hahaas. :\
Jiani : Heyys! Hi jie ~ xP
Kenny : I MIA cause my parents sayy dunch want let
me play too much later my result deprovedd again.. LOL.
Jerlyn<33 : Heyys! Yeahh, rmb you ! ;D Linkedd! :D
♥Iris™ -marmie : Hahaas, yeahh, and i nort chio + relinkedd! <33 Miss you!
RISSA! : Heyys! Yeahh, thanks! xD
Ying : CHEN FENG YU?! HAH! He my class chairman.
Had rumors that i like him. LUCKY RUMOR GONE. -Phew- LOL. Hahaas,
he sit beside me nehh. =.= And he so popular! Ask whole class aso noe him.. .__."
You noe Darleen from your class? She my RL fren. =\
ツ HIROKO : H E L L O S ! {: Relinkedd & Comment-edd liao! (:
Siling :B : HEYYS! Thanks for tagging! See you soon! [:
Carmen : Heyys CHIO BU ! I miss you yeahh! Heh, i nort chio bu! x.x Last long alright?
Kenny : Hahaas, Glad you noe.. -.-
Alicia-♥` : Hi Zoey! Thanks for tagging! xD
Heyys peeps! I'M BACKK! >:D
Kekeke... Finally reply all tags, WOOHOO ~ :D
Must keep track of my tags next time liao
Onii can online during sat nights and sundays~ Sadded. D:
Love my school! <33
And like my crazehh lil class; 1B ! ~
The girls are nice and the boys are simply crazehh! HAH!
I dunch think wanna tranfer to SAC liao.
Idk larhhs, if gort any prob maybe tranfer or idk. =.="
Ohh yeahh, and the 6C students too!~ D:
Hope to meet my classmates & mayflower friends soon! T.T
RAWRR, Audi too inactive lerr larhhs!
Skills droping larhhs! x.x
Woohoo~ Having orientation camp on Monday
Tuesday staying overnight; cause gort campfire, than next day go backk home.
Hahaas, dunch really wanna go to the overnight derr larhhs!
Abit scaryy siol. x:
Hahaas, gtg, buaiis! ^-^
Time Check : Friday; 16/01/09; 9.02pm ~